This week, on February 3rd, the new Election Guide & Campaign Rules will be voted on.
ELECTION 3/2–3/4
Elections for next year’s Officers will open on Tuesday, March 2nd at noon, and will close on Thursday, March 4th at noon. To learn more about how to vote and who’s on the ballot this year, click here.
Budget Forum (Recorded)
For those who missed the Budget Forum, feel free to use this link to watch the video!
Each year SGA hosts a budget forum that is open to the public. At this forum we will discuss our proposed budget for FY22, provide a rationale, and get student feedback. The budget is made up out of student fee money, so we encourage all students to attend and understand how your money is spent!
The forum will take place during this week’s General Senate Meeting, 1/27 at 1 PM. If you can’t make it but you have inquiries, we encourage you to submit them to, and we will address them during the forum. Additionally, the forum will be recorded and posted here on our website.
To join, you can use this meeting information:
Movie Night (11/19)
Our movie tonight is “Holidate”. Use this link to join at 7 PM. See you soon!
Movie Night (10/22)
NEW POLICIES: Pass/Fail Policy and Academic Calendar
The Provost has announced the following policy changes for the 2020-21 school year, as per the University Senate:
Spring Calendar
The University Senate approved modifications to the spring academic calendar that will keep the start date as previously planned, but move spring break later in the semester and add two reading days to the calendar.
- Jan. 19, 2021 – First day of spring semester classes
- April 11 – 17, 2021 – Spring break
- April 19, 2021 – Spring classes resume
- April 29 – May 2, 2021 – Reading days (no classes or assessments)
- May 3 – 8, 2021 – Final Assessments
Now that the Senate has approved these changes, the Provost’s Office is evaluating the instructional modality for the start and end of the spring semester. We are having conversations with a wide range of constituencies including deans and leadership from Senate, USG, and several unions, and we will share those collaborative decisions by week’s end.
For the 2020-21 academic year only, the University Senate approved an extension of the deadlines to add or remove courses as pass/fail and also extended pass/fail availability to students with fewer than 26 credits and students on scholastic probation.
- Nov. 20, 2020 – Deadline to add or remove fall 2020 courses as pass/fail
- April 9, 2021 – Deadline to add or remove spring 2021 courses as pass/fail
Students may elect a maximum of 12 credits to be distributed over no more than three courses during their entire academic career (note: courses from spring 2020 do not count toward the 12-credit maximum). Changes to add pass/fail grading will require the approval of an advisor (with signature). It also applies only to elective courses, and schools and colleges retain the option to place further restrictions on pass/fail for their majors and minors. Students may refer to the University Catalog for existing school and college-level pass/fail restrictions.
To see the full decision-making process for these changes, go to
Please make sure to consult your academic advisor before making any changes to your curriculum.
Movie Night (10/8)
Movie Night (09/24)!
Pop some popcorn, grab a drink and join us to (virtually) watch “The Other Guys” in action at 7 PM!
WebEx Meeting ID: 120 163 8190
Password: SGA2020
SGA Meet and Greet Video
For those of you who missed the meet and greet, feel free to use this link to watch the recorded video!